Private Networks

  • Serving small businesses, municipalities, educational facilities and other organizations
  • Provide users with a stronger, more secure connection
  • Fast, easy integration and management

HALO Networks Deliver Nationwide CBRS/Private LTE Network Capabilities Across All Real Estate Verticals

Wireless communication is increasingly essential across all businesses. Think of wireless connectivity as the “fourth utility,” right up there with electricity, water and HVAC. There may have been a day when a communication issue was an inconvenience but today the business world grinds to a halt if there’s a problem with wireless connectivity. It is mission critical.

Radio spectrum is congested and busier than ever. How can organizations share the available spectrum and make exciting things happen? CBRS opened a sizeable piece of spectrum real estate. HALO leverages CBRS to make sophisticated technologies more available to anyone who needs better wireless coverage. That means more powerful networks and opportunities to deliver new services and products. CBRS truly is a technological revolution and HALO can delivers a solution to take advantage via your very own Private LTE network.

HALO and Citizens Band Radio Services (“CBRS”) give organizations much greater control over their communications. With a private LTE network, you’ve got the gold standard in technology connecting your people and all the various technologies that interact with one another. It’s quite simply better from performance to cost. And you’ve got it under your own control, as any mission and business-critical element should be.

HALO Networks Deliver Nationwide CBRS/Private LTE Network Capabilities Across All Real Estate Verticals

Wireless communication is increasingly essential across all businesses. Think of wireless connectivity as the “fourth utility,” right up there with electricity, water and HVAC. There may have been a day when a communication issue was an inconvenience but today the business world grinds to a halt if there’s a problem with wireless connectivity. It is mission critical.

Radio spectrum is congested and busier than ever. How can organizations share the available spectrum and make exciting things happen? CBRS opened a sizeable piece of spectrum real estate. HALO leverages CBRS to make sophisticated technologies more available to anyone who needs better wireless coverage. That means more powerful networks and opportunities to deliver new services and products. CBRS truly is a technological revolution and HALO can delivers a solution to take advantage via your very own Private LTE network.

HALO and Citizens Band Radio Services (“CBRS”) give organizations much greater control over their communications. With a private LTE network, you’ve got the gold standard in technology connecting your people and all the various technologies that interact with one another. It’s quite simply better from performance to cost. And you’ve got it under your own control, as any mission and business-critical element should be.


Citizens Broadband Radio Service

HALO Networks can deliver you an open wireless LTE/5G Network as a Service (NaaS) for the last mile. This open platform allows all technology carriers and vendors to utilize robust capacity, low latency, and gigabit speeds throughout your entire property. HALO comes fully integrated with major US wireless carriers, completely eliminating any existing cell phone coverage issues. The cost of traditional infrastructure to solve this one problem alone will justify the deployment of a HALO network. The good news is that this is just one of the many benefits of your new private network. You will also have access to all major cable, internet, and phone carriers, bringing true competition and choice. Additionally, you will also have access to all cloud providers, software solutions, security equipment, gaming, and all other IoT device providers. All of these benefits come without running any additional cable throughout your property. Simply turn on your device and connect it to the network, it is really that simple.

HALO Networks Delivers Seamless Wireless Coverage

25+ Years Industry Experience

Over 25+ years of bringing the best connectivity to Property Owners and  Managers.

Complete National Coverage

Full national coverage gives HALO Networks the advantage over other regional and national solutions.

1000+ DAS Systems Deployed

With 1,000+ DAS Systems deployed, HALO Networks is the leading provider in Wireless Solutions.

Preferred Integrator

Seamless solutions makes HALO Networks the most preferred of all Wireless Carriers and Operators.

Need Coverage? Talk to a HALO Networks Specialist.

Schedule a free consultation to learn how HALO creates strategic solutions tailored to your specific needs.

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One & Two International, Boston

53 State Street, Boston

40 Wall Street, New York

330 N Wabash, Chicago

JW Marriott, Tampa

Hyatt Clearwater, Florida

Embassy Suites Convention Center

Marriott Downtown, Tampa

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